What is LST?
LST is many things and it means many things too. The origindof LST was a group of friends – several Vietnamese, and 1 foreigner – who went surfing together bonded and became good friends in and out of the surf, and we sometimes refered to ourselves as the ‘Left Side Team’.
LST is now different than it was, yet at its heart it is the same. It is still a group of friends bordering on family that surf play and now work together. The newest part of LST being the company, is just what pays the bills and fulfills us by being a job that we are passionate about and one that is worth doing. At its heart LST is still the crew of us who are friends and like to surf and skate together. This group is growing all the time We love our brothers and sisters, and we always have room for more. come join LST and Surf. LST SURF has a lot to offer such as Surf Lessons, Advanced Surf Coaching, Surfboard Rentals, Surfboard Repairs, Custom Surfboards, Guided Surf Trips to the many waves in the area, a skate park, custom surf racks for motorbikes, A bar and Cafe and much more. Stop by and check out our shop at 10 Mỹ Đa Đông 10, Đà Nẵng! (link to about page with map and link to google maps)
Check out our overview of Surfing in Danang and Surfing in Vietnam here.

Danang Local Surf – LST and its Meanings
‘LEFT SIDE TEAM’ – We dubbed ourselves ‘Left side team’ as a joke 6 years ago. In the beginning of 2018 when we were starting to surf together, 2 of us had surfed a lot already but most of the local boys were just starting out. They had surfed on their own without before seeing us surf, so it wasn’t due to our influence, but it turned out that of the 7 of us surfing together 6 were goofies, and the 7th surfed in the beginning- he’s back at it now – but stopped for a while. Thus the 6 of us, all being goofy and the 4 newer surfers really liking to go left as at the time going right – backside – was not as enjoyable or possible, joked about being ‘Left Side Team. and that was that., and now everyone is very good at surfing and no longer favors lefts over rights per say, but Vietnam does seem to have many more setups that are lefts than are rights, and unconnected to that as everyone is learning on a beachy, of the whole LST crew – now 30 members plus – roughly 90% are goofy and may or may not favor lefts.
‘LOCAL SURF TEAM’ While still being Left Side Team the lot of us became Local Surf Team as well. This came about at the same time as the business started to come into the picture. We were renting boards, giving Surf Lessons, repairing boards and making custom boards. and aside from myself five sixths of the crew were and are Vietnamese. Being Local Surf Team was a way of sticking together and unifying what was at the time a very small subset of surfers in Danang. now roughly half the surfers in Danang are Vietnamese and this number is growing every day.
‘LOCAL SURF TRIBE’ When traveling around Vietnam and surfing we met other groups of Local surfers in Nha Trang and Mui ne and Local Surf Team became Local Surf Tribe. connecting all of the local Vietnamese surfers together. Tribe and team are interchangeable the point being we are all together as one group of friends.
‘LƯỚT SÓNG THÔI’ When we decided to take the next step and register our company as an LLC and start making a real job out of it all we needed to pick the name for the paperwork – which needed to be in Vietnamese – we started thinking about various possibilities and there were many. One of which was ‘Lướt Sóng Thần’ in which lướt means to slide sóng means wave – together meaning surf- and sóng thần is tsunai, sliding on or surfing tsunamis. we ended up going with ‘Lướt Sóng Thôi’ which has a few meanings. Thôi means just or only and can also be used as somewhat of a command or suggestion so, it has meaning let’s go surfing, just go surfing, only surfing, just surfing, go surf…. things like this. It seemed suitable so we went with it.
‘LOCAL SKATE TEAM’ When we built the skate bowl we ran with the same idea of local surf just becoming local skate. A way for everyone to come together under one banner. it’s more a symbol than anything else. of everyone being a team.
in short LST is a group of friends and family and LST the acronym can have any meaning, could even be ‘Long Saggy Titties’ or ‘Licking Salty Taffies’…… Whatever you Like.

Come Join us to surf and Skate
LST loves meeting the folks who come through and hearing stories sharing laughs, skates, surfs, and beers. LST is the Idea of being together. Stop by the shop and say hello or join us for a surf. We look forward to seeing you! LST SURF has a lot to offer such as Surf Lessons, Advanced Surf Coaching, Surfboard Rentals, Surfboard Repairs, Custom Surfboards, Guided Surf Trips to the many waves in the area, a skate park, custom surf racks for motorbikes, A bar and Cafe and much more. Stop by and check out our shop at 10 Mỹ Đa Đông 10, Đà Nẵng! (link to about page with map and llnk to google maps)